The Lowepro Backpack Photo Active BP 200AW (Blue/Black) is the first choice for enthusiast photographers who needs lightweight, rugged outdoor gear to get to the backcountry or use everyday.
From a day hike to vacation travel, Photo Active keeps your camera and video gear accessible and protected so you can capture and share your adventure.
Organisation is important, especially when you're managing your camera kit along with clothing, food, water and travel gear. The QuickShelf divider easily configures from a 3-tier shelf to a single shelf depending on amount of organization needed or folds flat when removed.
Low-profile, compression molded QuickShelf dividers have built in hinges giving you more options to configure space for digital cameras, as well as long lenses, video lights, mics, action cams, folding drones, gimbals and accessories.
Photo Active's dual side doors means you can quickly access your camera anytime. Your pack never has to leave your shoulder. The second side door can be used to access extra lenses or other devices like action cams, drones or gimbals. Top zip access for long lenses or personal gear.
Colour | Blue/Black |
Material | 100% Synthetic |
Weight | 1.2kg / 2.6lb |
Camera Compartment Dimensions (LxWxH) | 22.0 x 11.0 x 24.0 cm / 8,7 x 4,3 x 9,4 inch |
External Dimensions (LxWxH) | 26.5 x 16.0 x 44.5 cm/ 10,4 x 6,3 x 17,5 inch |
Internal Dimensions (LxWxH) | 24.0 x 12.0 x 42.0 cm/ 9,4 x 4,7 x 16,5 inch |
Laptop Compartment Dimensions (LxWxH) | 23.5 x 1.5 x 34.0 cm/ 9,3 x 0,6 x 13,4 inch |
Top Compartment Dimensions (LxWxH) | 24.0 x 12.0 x 18.0 cm / 9,4 x 4,7 x 7,1 inch |